Public Health Values That Need to Be Considered

Public Health Values That Need to Be Considered

Public health policy can be difficult to navigate. There are many factors to consider when making decisions about public health policies for the community. These considerations have led to a set of values that should be considered when making decisions about public health issues.

Public health value for all

Health for all is a principle of public health value that means everyone, everywhere should have access to the services and information they need to stay healthy. It’s a human right.

It’s important to remember that health is more than just the absence of disease or illness, it’s also about living well. This includes being able to participate in society and make choices about what you do with your life. For example, having good mental health allows people to find meaning in their lives and achieve goals through relationships with others rather than feeling isolated or distressed by situations around them, having good physical health means being able to engage in activities such as walking upstairs without losing breath, having good social relationships means feeling loved and accepted by others (and being able to give love back).


Empowerment is the process of empowering individuals, communities, and organizations to make healthy choices. According to the World Health Organization, empowerment involves “allowing people to be heard, understood, and respected”. It is an important step towards creating change in health outcomes.

When it comes to public health values, empowerment can mean many things. In general terms, it means giving people the information they need so they can make informed decisions that align with their values. For example:

  • Educating people about safe food handling techniques so they know how to avoid food poisoning
  • Giving parents tools like car seats and bike helmets so they are empowered to keep their children safe while driving or riding


Solidarity is the belief that we are all connected and interdependent. It’s about sharing, working together, caring for each other, and sharing resources. It’s a public health values that helps us deal with change as it comes along by creating an environment where people feel comfortable being themselves and can trust each other to support one another.

Solidarity can also be thought of as an antidote to fear: when we feel like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves whether it be a workplace or a community it reduces our fear of failure because it gives us the security of knowing that if one person fails (or has trouble), others will still be there to support them.


Participation means that people are involved in decisions that affect them. In public health values, participation can be important for many reasons. For example, it can help create or sustain a healthy environment so that communities can thrive.

In addition to making decisions about policies and programs, participation is also relevant when it comes to research and evaluation of existing public health interventions. It’s important for communities to have some say over what kinds of studies are done within their areas. For example, whether they want more investigations into the causes of cancer or more research on food security issues in their neighbourhood. This allows people who use services (like public transportation) or live in certain areas (like low-income neighbourhoods) to have a say in whether those services improve over time and how effectively they serve local needs, respectively.


Public health value are those that ensure the protection of vulnerable populations. For example, children, pregnant women, and elderly individuals are at a greater risk for developing infectious diseases and other conditions that can be life-threatening if not treated properly. These groups require special attention when it comes to public health threats such as outbreaks of disease or natural disasters.

In addition to protecting vulnerable populations from disease outbreaks, public health professionals also work toward protecting the public from environmental hazards such as lead paint in old buildings or air pollution from factories. This is why some argue it is important for there to be strong regulations on industry standards, so everyone has clean air to breathe no matter where they live in our country!

International Cooperation.

International cooperation is crucial for a healthy global population. Sharing knowledge and experience among countries allows us to learn what works best, both at home and abroad. International cooperation is also essential for the WHO’s vision of “a world in which all people enjoy optimum health” something that can only be achieved through the combined efforts of many different nations working together.

International cooperation has been shown to have many benefits:

It helps us improve public health values around the world through programs like pandemic preparedness, disease surveillance, and control as well as research on diseases such as AIDS or malaria.

It helps save lives by providing vaccination coverage for children under five years old who would otherwise not receive any vaccinations. In addition to this, it improves maternal and child health care services in developing countries by offering access to family planning services including contraception methods such as condoms, so women are able to plan their pregnancies better when they do become pregnant (which reduces unwanted pregnancies). This also means that fewer babies will be born who may not survive due to lack of adequate care after birth giving them better survival chances than if left unvaccinated during childhood years due to lack of maternal immunizations during the pregnancy stage being insufficiently protected against life-threatening illnesses such as pneumonia etcetera.

These values should be considered when making public health decisions.

These values are the foundation of public health. They should be considered when making all public health values decisions because it’s impossible to create a policy without them.

If you’re working on implementing a new program or changing an existing one, these values should be part of your decision-making process from beginning to end. You can’t just implement something without considering its impact on the community and determining whether it aligns with these four principles.


These values are important for public health decision-making. If we are to improve the health of all people, we need to consider these values and others when making decisions about how we allocate resources and make policies. We should strive to promote equality as well as empowerment and solidarity among all people in society.